Bookseller Catalogs

Catalogue 91 Book Arts

By The Veatchs Arts of the Book

Catalogue 91 Book Arts including rare Remondini & Rizzi papers, a calligraphed book, The Bruce Type Foundry office set of the Typographic Advertiser 1855-1869, a rare specimen from Oxford University Press, private presses & bibliographies

How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

215: COMETS, ECLIPSES, TRANSITS, THE MOON, PLANETS & SOLAR SYSTEM 66 books on astronomy and related fields. Among the authors: George Biddell Airy; Mark Anderson; Jean Sylvain Bailly ; Sir Robert Stawell Ball; William Sheehan [Edward Emerson Barnard] ; Michael Chauvin; Deborah Jean Warner [Alvan Clark] ; Agnes Clerke; Maurice Daumas, Lester Del Rey [pseud. Leonard Knapp] ; William Derham ; Camille Flammarion; Sara Schechner Genuth ; Owen Gingerich [Copernicus] ; Stephen J. Edberg; David H. Levy ; Mrs. Isabel Sarah Black Gill; James A. Hall; Alan Cook [Edmond Halley]; Harold Hill; Arundell Blount [Jeremiah Horrox] ; Barbieri, Cesare & International Astronomical Union; Françoise Launay [Jules Janssen]; Calvin Nicolas Joyner; Henry C. King; Zdenek Kopal; Johann Nepomuk Krieger; Gary W. Kronk; Bruno Lefebvre; Frederick William Levander ; Percival Lowell; David Strauss [Lowell]; Peter L. Manly; Thomas Manning; The Abbé Théophile Moreux; Edward S. Morse; Piccolomini; Harold R. Povenmire; Mary Proctor; Richard A. Proctor; Georg Joachim Rheticus; Pierre De Sainte Marie Magdeleine ; Jakob Heinrich Schmick ; Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Klein ; Captain William Henry Smyth; John Stewart ; Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve; René Taton; Curtis Wilson; David H. Levy [Clyde Tombaugh]; [Transit Of Venus] Academy Of Sciences, Paris; Giovanni Battista Trotta; Étienne Léopold Trouvelot; United States Air Force; Dr. Gerard Pieter Kuiper; Harry Woolf; Donald Yeomans; Francisco Diaz Covarrubias ; Toronto Observatory, Canada; Edmund Weiss; Ewen A. Whitaker; Felix Auerbach [Carl Zeiss].

How to request a print version: Write to: Weber Rare Books 1815 Oak Ave Carlsbad California 92008

e-list No. 53 Eclectibles Miscellany: Housewifery Indenture for Twins,  English Sparrow Bounty, Vot

By Eclectibles

e-list No. 53 Eclectibles Miscellany: Housewifery Indenture for Twins,  English Sparrow Bounty, Vot This list includes Albums & Archives, Advertising, Get Rich Quick, Women, Gender Roles, Racism & Misogyny, Social History, Education, Sewing Systems, Politics - Voter Fraud (1880), Travel & Tourism, By Children, Paper Playthings and Children's Literature. It's a short list so even if your topic of interest doesn't jump out at you it may be worth viewing this short list of 37 items.

Eclectibles -  Booth 204 - Boston Book Fair Parts 2 & 3 - Albums & Collections

By Eclectibles

Eclectibles -  Booth 204 - Boston Book Fair Parts 2 & 3 - Albums & Collections This list includes;

The Albums and Journals include a wide array of materials dating from the 1820s -1940s and include commonplace books, journals, travelogues, sketchbooks, copy books, a crop plant stimulation test, poetry, whimsy and much more.

The Collections and Archives include the professional archive of a diplomat, a Camp Fire Girl collection, materials to teach world tolerance to children, Volvelles of all types shapes and sizes, striking travel labels, a glimpse at dentistry in the 1890s and more.

Includes 47 albums, collections or archives.

Eclectibles -  Booth 204 - Boston Antiquarian Int’l Book Fair Preview List Nov. 16-18,2018

By Eclectibles

Eclectibles -  Booth 204 - Boston Antiquarian Int’l Book Fair Preview List Nov. 16-18,2018 The list includes an array of recent acquisitions. A few items of note: Fantaisie-Fantasia-Fantasie-Fancy- Scenes for Ladies of Leisure to Construct, ca 1840, A Man with Four Wives - Original watercolor and ink book with illustrations, story, words Asian theme with Japanese stylized American text & characters, Fine Watercolor of Regency Era Woman with 14 Ethnic,Regional or Occupational Overlays of Women, A collection of 12 hand colored lithographs-- each with a door that opens often revealing one or more people - risque! A listing of 95 items.

e-list No. 52 Eclectibles Miscellany: Life Saving Net, Sock Social, Kauri Gum & Of Course, the Child

By Eclectibles

e-list No. 52 Eclectibles Miscellany: Life Saving Net, Sock Social, Kauri Gum & Of Course, the Child This list includes Albums & Journals, Cookery, Travel & Tourism, Fashion, Social History, Education, Innovation, Social Welfare, Historical Memorabilia, Women, and of course...The Children -- It's All About the Children...It's a short list so even if your topic of interest doesn't jump out at you it may be worth viewing this short list of 27 items.

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